Saturday, January 14, 2017

In His Time

Those of you who know me personally, or who follow me on Facebook, have seen "Miss P".  Miss P is a now-seven-year-old cutie who came into our lives when she was five.  We hired her father to work on our construction crew, and Miss P appeared at company bbq's.  We were instantly in love.  Besides being cute, she was polite and respectful and all-around adorable.  Over time, she spent more and more time with us, frequently spending the night - or three or four nights.  The guest room became "her room" and I think she's a little annoyed when other guests sleep in her bed.  She was even the flower girl in our son's wedding last month.  One of Miss P's favorite things to do with "Boss", as she calls Dave, is to read a story before bed; and Dave's favorite books to read are the Junie B. Jones series.  Junie once said "Confiscated is the school word for 'just ripped it right out of my hand'." 

Monday evening we found out that Miss P has been confiscated from us.  Her parents took a portion of their belongings and snuck away to live 250 miles distant - without telling anyone.  I had no chance to prepare, no chance to say good-bye, or even to pack the clothes and Christmas gifts she left here.  By the time we found out, she had been gone close to a week. Just ripped right out of our life. 

Needless to say, I'm stunned, heartbroken and filled with questions. Why?  Their reasons for making this choice is not mine to tell, and I'm pretty sure I don't know the whole story.  From my perspective it was a poor choice, made in haste.  I have visited with MIss P by phone and she is doing fine.   I can't bear the idea that our time together is over, so I hope to make the four and a half hour drive to see her soon, and often.  My bigger desire and prayer is that they will return. 

In the mean time, I wait and pray.  My sister reminded me of an important truth.  When we ask God to use us to reach others, or even when He uses us in spite of ourselves, it is His plan.  We don't get to dictate the outcome.  Perhaps Miss P was brought into our lives because she just needed us for a short time.  Perhaps she was intended to stay longer, but, since He has given us free will, His plan was interrupted by poor human choices.  Perhaps God has something in mind that I can't see for now.  Whatever happens, I know who is in control.
Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end.     - Ecclesiastes 3:11


  1. Oh, Tami, I'm so sorry! I wish I had something comforting to say, but sometimes there really is nothing adequate. This is one of those times.

  2. Tami. I must confess I read this post a couple weeks ago and felt so saddened that I did not know how to respond. I at least am glad you have spoken on the phone and sincerely hope by now perhaps you have been able to make the trip to see her. Maybe you can take some comfort in the thought that you have touched her in some way that she will remember as she grows older. Perhaps your interactions will inspire her to "pass it forward" when she is older and can counsel or comfort a child in a similar situation. There are a myriad of tales out there of people who were touched by a kind neighbor or grade school teacher and took that experience with them into their adult life, molding some of their attitudes and support for others. I sincerely hope, for your sake, that you get to see Miss P again. But take heart that you may have already marked her heart firmly enough that God felt your work was done. There may be another person in your future that God needs you for. Wishing you comfort and praising you for your expression of love for God's Miss P. She will always, in your heart, be a bit of your Miss P, also.
